Saturday 15 February 2025  IST
Recent Publications (2012-13)

Department of Occupational Therapy

  1. Neurofacilitation of Developmental Reaction (NFDR) Approach: Practice Framework for integration/ Modification of Early Motor Behavior (Primitive Reflexex) in Cerebral Palsy. Batra Meenakshi, Shrama VP, Malik G.K. Batra Vijay, Ind. Jr. Paediatrics 2012, 79(5): 659-663.
  2. Multidisciplinary VM- Weight Distribution Analysis System: A diagnostic & Evaluative tool for altered weight distribution. Batra Vijay, Batra Meenakshi, Sharma Vineet Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, 2012; April-June; Vol 6(2): 135-157.
  3. Metagym & Neurobics through Occupational Therapy: Gateway to improve quality of life: Nirupma Singh & Kamal Narayan Arya; Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy (IJOT), Sept.-Dec. 2012, 44(3); 23-26.
  4. Comparison of Brunnstrom movement therapy and motor relearning program in rehabilitation of post-stroke hemiparetic hand: A randomized trial.Shanta Pandian & Kamal Narayan Arya. Journal of Body work & Movement therapy (Elsevier): July-sept.2012 16, 330-337.
  5. Meaningful Task Specific Training (MTST) In Stroke Rehabilitation: Kamal Narayan Arya, Rajesh Verma, RK Garg; Topics in stroke rehabilitation (Thomas land):May-June. 2012;19 (3):193-211.
  6. Tumefactive demyelination associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Rajesh Verma, Kamal Narayan AryaBMJ Case Rep. 2012 May 11; doi:10.1136/bcr.02.2012.5743.
  7. Relation between the upper extremity synergistic movement components and its implication for motor recovery in post-stroke hemiparesis – Shanta Pandian & Kamal Narayan Arya; Topics in stroke rehabilitation (Thomas land): Nov.-Dec. 2012, 19(6); 545-555.

Department of Physiotherapy
Department of Prosthetics & Orthotics

Conferences and Presentations 2012-13

Department of Occupational Therapy

  1. Meaningful Task Specific Training (MTST) In Stroke Rehabilitation: An RCT. Kamal Narayan AryaRajesh Verma, RK Garg, VP Sharma, Monika Agarwal & GG Agarwal; Presented – Ist Indian Federation of Neurorehabilitation (IFNR) meet,  6th – 10th March 2013 at Lucknow.
  2. Interlimb neural coupling: implications for poststroke hemiparesis Kamal Narayan Arya & Shanta Pandian. Presented & Published in Conference Souvenir – 50th Annual National Conference of All India Occupational Therapist Association, 26-28th Feb. 2013, at Thiruvanthpuram.
  3. Motor impairment of the ipsilesional body side in post-stroke subjects Kamal Narayan Arya & Shanta Pandian. Presented & Published in Conference Souvenir – 50th Annual National Conference of All India Occupational Therapist Association,  26-28th Feb. 2013, at Thiruvanthpuram.
  4. Synergistic action of deep abdominals and pelvic floor muscle: implication for incontinence management for women Nirupma Singh, Kamal Narayan Arya,Aisha Perveen & Poonam Seth. Presented & Published in Conference Souvenir – 50th Annual National Conference of All India Occupational Therapist Association,  26-28th Feb. 2013, at Thiruvanthpuram.


  • Department of Physiotherapy
  • Department of Prosthetics & Orthotics



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Last updated on 30 Sep 2014

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