Wednesday 22 January 2025  IST
Physiotherapy is a client oriented health care profession where the patients of various musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiopulmonary disorders are provided treatment with the application of physical agents like heat, cold, electric currents, light, electromagnetic radiations and therapeutic exercises. It aims to achieve the following goals:
  • Improvement and maintenance of functional independence and physical performance.
  • Prevention and management of pain, physical impairments, disabilities and limitations to participation and
  • Promotion of fitness, health and wellness.
Physiotherapists provide relief in a wide range of problems related to muscles, bones, joints, circulatory, respiratory and nervous system. They play an important role in managing the effects of congenital diseases, illness, chronic diseases, neurological conditions, trauma and the pressure and strains of everyday life. They are also skilled in providing care and physiotherapy related advice to the people with long term or terminal illnesses.
The main objectives of the department include to provide the poor and the needy, the state of the art international standard physiotherapy services, to develop skilled professionals in the field of physiotherapy and to carry out evidence based practice, research and development in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation
Faculty details
S. No Name of the Faculty Post Held Total Teaching Experience  Qualification
1. Mrs. Manda Chauhan Associate  Professor & HOD (PT) 27 Years MPT (Neuro)
2. Mrs. Rajni Kalra Assistant Professor (PT) 30 Years MPT (Ortho)
3. Mr. Ram Prabhu Assistant Professor (PT) 23  Years MPT (Ortho) (Psychology)
4. Mr. Roshan Lal Meena Lecturer Physiotherapy 23  Years MPT (Ortho.)
5. Mrs. Prachi Raj Meena Lecturer Physiotherapy 19 Years MPT (Biomech in Musculo- skeletal conditions
6. Mrs. Anju Aggarwal Lecturer Physiotherapy 19  Years MPT (Sports)
7. Mrs. Manju Vats Lecturer Physiotherapy 16  Years MPT (Neuro)
8. Mr. Pradeep Marandi Superintendent PT  16 Years MPT (Neuro)
9 Mr. Anoop Aggarwal Sr. Physiotherapist 9 years MPT (Sports)
10 Mr. Amr Suresh Sr. Physiotherapist 8 ½ Years MPTh (Musculo- skeletal and kinesiology)
11 Mr. Anoop Kumar Tarsolia Demonstrator PT 2 ½ Years MPT (Ortho)
12 Mrs. Sheelu Sharma Demonstrator PT 2  year MPT (Musculo- skeletal)
  • Education & Training
The Department of Physiotherapy offers Bachelor of Physiotherapy course in affiliation with University of Delhi. The course is four years and six month’s duration which includes six months compulsory internship. The intake capacity of students every year is 68. The distribution of seats to different category of candidates is as follows:
Seat Matrix – Bachelor of Physiotherapy(BPT)
Academic Session Intake capacity
Unreserved OBC (27%) SC (15%) ST (7.5%)  
Gen(EWS) CWAPP(5% of 35) STNA(5% of 35) PWD(5% of 35) OBC CWAPP(5% of 18) STNA(5% of 18) PWD(5% of 18) SC CWAPP(5% of 10) STNA(5% of 10) PWD(5% of 10) ST CWAPP(5% of 5) STNA(5% of 5) PWD(5% of 5)
2020-21 68 35 7 2 2 2 18 1 1 1 10 -- -- -- 5 -- -- -- 2
EWS – Economically Weaker Section
STNA - Candidates from the states where similar teaching facility are not available.
CWAPP - Children / widows of armed personnel including paramilitary personnel killed of disabled during Hostilities.
PWD – Persons with Disabilities
FN - Foreign Nationals
Listed below is the student’s strength enrolled in the Bachelor of Physiotherapy course for the past three academics session.
Year Strength
I II III IV Intern
2018-19 52 49 48 52 47
2019-2020 62 52 45 46 46
2020-2021 68 58 51 46 45
  • Publication / Research (Department of Physiotherapy) Completed Research Projects
  • Please refer R&D webpage

The Physiotherapy Outpatient Department functions from 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM. five days a week from Monday to Friday. Outpatient department is the major part of the physiotherapy after academic services.  The physiotherapists including teaching faculty are posted in the physiotherapy OPD on the rotation basis. They assess the patients with various impairments and disabilities. Physiotherapy assessment in the department is a systematic approach of collecting clinical data from the patient and interpreting them to establish functional diagnosis, and to design an appropriate scheme of physiotherapeutic management for each patient. The patient is advised therapeutic exercises and physical modalities according to the impairment, ailments, disorder, syndrome, disease or conditions. Presently the therapists are more inclined towards evidence -based practice.
            Physiotherapy clinical assessment has vertical and lateral thinking approaches. Vertical approach involves the assessment of the concerned area whereas lateral thinking involves the assessment of problematic area as well as proximal and distal parts of it. The physical therapist assessment is more inclined towards the lateral thinking. The patient management model has six elements.
  • Examination:
            The physical therapist collects the clinical data from the patients by examining them. There is subjective assessment in which physical therapist asks the chief complaint of the patient and takes present and past medical history of the patient. In addition to that the physical therapists perform system review, accessory movements and administer physical tests to provoke the symptoms.

  • Evaluation:
            It is the dynamic process in which the physical therapists posted in the department interpret the clinical data collected during the examination to understand the source or cause of the patient's impairments, disorders, functional limitations and disabilities. The therapists analyse the clinical data to determine the progression and severity of the disease or condition.
  • Functional Diagnosis:
            Diagnosis encompasses a cluster of sign and symptoms commonly associated with disorder, syndrome, or category of impairment, functional limitation or disabilities. The therapists analyse the clinical data gathered during the examination and evaluation and organise them into clusters, syndrome, or categories to help in determining the appropriate intervention and strategy for each patient.
  • Prognosis:
            Physical therapist posted in the department determines minimal improvement to maximal improvement expected at various intervals during the course of physiotherapy intervention after making a functional diagnosis.
  • Physiotherapy Intervention:
            It is the purposeful and skilled physiotherapeutic approach of various methods, techniques, and modalities administered towards the patients in order to improve pain, functional limitations and impairments.
  • Outcome:
            It is the improvement in the sign and symptoms following application of an appropriate scheme of physiotherapy intervention. The patients are discharged if they show significant improvements after administering an appropriate scheme of management. The patients are reassessed periodically for the improvement. Patients those do not respond to the physical intervention are reassessed and discussed with the senior faculty for an appropriate scheme of management.
The details of the patients who have benefited from physiotherapy during last 4 years are given below:
            Year Patients on Roll Total No. of Patients Visits
2017-18 6910 36395
2018-19 7473 39246
7235 37672
       2020-2021 2862 6748
            The Department consists of the following sections:
  • Exercise Therapy
  • Electro Therapy
  1. Exercise Therapy Section:
  • Therapeutic Gymnasium
            Therapeutic Gymnasium is a well equipped section established in the basement of the institute with barrier free environment for the persons with physical disabilities.  The section has various equipments for manual therapy. Following physiotherapeutic interventions are administered to the patients with various impairment, functional limitations and disabilities.
  • Manual Therapy Section:
            Manual therapy is a major part of physiotherapy. It involves mobilization and manipulation of the soft tissues and joint particular surfaces. Manual therapy is aimed at unifying the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the human being. It is a preventive and curative, intended to improve strength of the muscles,  extensibility of the scar tissues, flexibility of the soft tissues, relaxation of the muscles, modulation of pain, and reduction of swelling. The department of physiotherapy has well equipped manual therapy unit where approximately 70 patients receive soft tissue manipulation and joint mobilization
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation:
            There are the proprioceptors situated in the muscles, ligament, tendons, and cartilage which provide information to the brain about the movements of the joint and position of the limbs. Patients with neuromuscular disorders find difficulty in walking, performing coordinated movements and activities of daily living. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques and patterns improve the movement coordination, balance and functional limitations of the patients. There are more than 30 patients with neuromuscular disorders attend the department of physiotherapy for improving their neuromuscular coordination, balance, gait and functional limitations.

  • Stretching and Strengthening:
            Injury, trauma, and abnormal postures produce pain and stiffness during the activities such as combing hair, fastening bras, and reaching to the back pockets. There are musculoskeletal and neuromuscular diseases and disorders which limit the functional activities. Some of patients are confined to their homes, whereas, some attend the office and work stations. Limitation of particular activities causes adverse effects on the flexibility of the contractile and non contractile structures such as muscles, ligaments, and joint capsule. There is a well equipped therapeutic gymnasium in the basement of the institute where more than 80 patients attend the patients for strengthening of the muscles and stretching of the muscles, ligaments, and joint capsule.
  • Gait Training:
            Therapeutic gymnasium in basement of the institute has height adjustable parallel bar (suitable for both children and adults) and stair case for improving the gait of the patients with musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders. There are more than 20 patients are given gait training daily.