Saturday 15 February 2025  IST
Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Srinagar

About crc Srinagar J&K
            The Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment has Established National Institutes in each major area of Disability namely (I) National Institute for Visually Handicapped, Dehradun (II) National Institute for Orthopedically Handicapped, Kolkata, (III) Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped, Mumbai, (IV) National Institute for Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad Andhra Pradesh. However, the present institutional framework does not appear to be adequate, particularly in view of enactment of ‘The persons with disabilities (equal opportunity, protection of rights and full participation) Act 1995’ which enjoins both the Central and State Governments to take large number of steps for the disabled which covers both preventive and promotional aspects of rehabilitation like education, health, employment, vocational training, research and manpower development for persons with disability. However, the existing institutions deal with specific areas of disability. Their present infrastructure is not adequate to provide services to all states including less-developed regions of the country. In this context the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India has established Composite Regional Centres in certain regions of the country under the “Persons with Disabilities (equal opportunity, protection of rights and full participation) Act 1995” for the comprehensive rehabilitation covering all areas of disabilities, and to promote Manpower Development in the field of Disability Rehabilitation. The Composite Regional Centre, Srinagar, J&K is one among the Centres for the persons with Disabilities in the Country.For Establishment / Construction of CRC building infrastructure, State Government of Jammu & Kashmir has provided 05 acres of land (40 Kanals) near SKIMS Medical College Bemina, Bye-pass, Srinagar. The Central Public Works Department has constructed the building which is barrier free and having construction area of the building is 1577 square meters, around 18,027 square feet, consisting of different departments including class rooms, library and laboratory/ reading rooms with an Auditorium Hall along with play arena and  barrier free toilets. This Centre has started its functioning in building from the month of November 2003.


  • Human Resource Development by Training Rehabilitation Professionals, Village Level Workers, Multi Rehabilitation Workers and other Functionaries in Government and Non-Government Sectors.     
  • To Serve as Resource Centre for Rehabilitation and Special Education of   Persons with Disabilities.
  • To Establish Linkages with Existing Medical, Educational and Employment Services Following the Principles of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and offer Extension Services in the Rural Area.
  • To Stimulate Growth of Services by encouraging and supporting Volunteer Organizations, Parent Groups and Self Help Groups.
  • To develop Strategies for delivery of Rehabilitation Services Suitable to the Socio-Cultural background of the region.
  • To Provide Rehabilitation Services to Persons with Disabilities and to Undertake Designing Fabrication and Fitment of Aids and Appliances like  Artificial Limbs, wheel chairs, tricycles etc.
  • To Undertake Research and Development with special reference to needs of diverse groups of People with Disabilities, keeping in view the nature and severity of Disability in the Region.
  • To Undertake Public Education Programmes for the Creation of Awareness in the Parent and the Community.
  • To Undertake Designing, Fabrication and Fitment of Aids and Appliances.
  • To Undertake Services of Education and Skill Development Leading to Enhancement of Opportunities for employment, Rehabilitation, Mobility, Communications, Recreation and Integration in Society.


  1. Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology (PGDRP)
The aim of the course is to prepare rehabilitation psychologists/Therapists who promote understanding of the situations and needs of people with disabilities to perform a vital role in the personal, vocational and educational adjustment of persons with disability within self-advocacy and community development model. The program is an ideal model for entry into the field of professional rehabilitation counselling and allows for the easiest avenue to registration under Central Registration Register (CRR). The training program prepares prospective candidates in a variety of concepts, theories, and techniques to function in numerous settings such as state or private run rehabilitation centres, public and private schools and other organizations serving persons with physical, sensory or cognitive disabilities. The coursework for the program includes: history of the rehabilitation movement and its legislation, models of disability and rehabilitation theory, psychosocial implications of disabling conditions, theoretical understanding of psychological assessment and testing methods, evaluation of the psychosocial problems and counselling, education and vocational needs of clients, case management skills utilizing community resources and multidisciplinary approach. In short, the successful trainees have the broad base of rehabilitation knowledge to serve people with disabilities and they also have the ability to counsel, support, and deal with their clients from a humanistic and holistic approach.

2.B.Ed Special Education (Intellectual Disability)

The course aims to develop Special Education teachers/Educators for children with disabilities for various settings (including inclusive, special, open school and home based education). The B.Ed. (Special Education) programme prepareshuman resources to enable them to acquire knowledge and develop competencies and skills to impart education and training effectively to children with disability as well as all other children and this being teachers for all children. After completing the B.Ed. (Special Education) programme, the student-teachers is to acquire knowledge & skills about human development, contemporary Indian education, and pedagogy of various school subjects and assessment for learning and acquire knowledge & skills about nature and educational needs of children with disabilities as well as of few select specific disabilities. It also helps the teacher to develop conceptual understanding of education provisions and skills for working with children with various disabilities in special and inclusive settings and also enhance knowledge and skills for professional development.
  1. Bachelors in Physiotherapy (BPT)
World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified Physiotherapy as an independent practice and out of paramedical Stream.Physiotherapy involves assessment,planning and implementation of rehabilitative programmes that improve or restore human motor functions,maximize movement,ability,relieve pain syndromesand treat or prevent physical challenges associated with injuries,diseases and other impairments.Physiotherapists apply a broad range of physical therapies and techniques such as movement,ultrasound,heating,laser and other techniques.They may develop and implement programmes for screening and prevention of common physical ailments and disorders.Physiotherapists have been trained in the use of exercise therapy to strengthen muscles and improve function.Physiotherapy exercises have been scientifically proven to be one of the most effective ways that can solve or prevent pain and injury.Gross motor skills ,functional mobility in the management for the motor deficits positioning,sitting,transition from sitting to standing,walking with or without assistive devices or orthosis,wheelchair use and transfers are all areas that the physiotherapist works on using wide range of physiotherapeutic approaches to influence functional ability of the patient.To achieve patients potential for physical independence and fitness levels within their community by minimizing the effect of their physical impairments and to improve the quality of life of the child and their family who have major role to play in the progress.
  1. Diploma in Prosthetics & Orthotics (DPO)
The principle objective of this course is the training of men and women as prosthetic and orthotic technician to meet the growing requirement for, well qualified personnel competent to undertake this very specialized type of work in the country. Prosthetist / Orthotist is the specialist who in the exercise and pursuit of the art of prosthetics / Orthotics designs, fabricates, and fits prostheses (artificial limbs) and orthoses (Braces, supports, accessories and remedial devices for loco motor handicapped) prescribed by a clinical team headed by a Prosthetist / Orthotist / physical medicine specialist / orthopaedic Surgeon. The objectives of the course is that the training given in theory and practical work in the subjects and clinical practices offered should enable the Prosthetic and Orthotic Technician qualified to work with Physicians, Therapists and other professionals in the field of Rehabilitation in the clinical environment. The candidates so trained to solve problems and apply basic principles in their work. Aiming at these objective the course syllabus include lectures, classroom work and practical demonstration, and practical work in Prosthetic and Orthotic laboratories, during which the students are introduced to clinical practices and learn the fundamentals of manufacturing, measuring and fitting of appliances.

5.Diploma in Rehabilitation Therapy (DRT)

The Course has been drafted with the overall objective to prepare a suitable manpower in the field of rehabilitation, which can provide the rehabilitation therapy at the district level and can act as a first level referral point for the grass-root level. In addition, it can also take care of the training programmes of community worker at the grass-root level. Since the student has to be imparted knowledge about the various common disabilities viz., Loco motor, Speech, Hearing, Visual, Mental retardation, Learning and Multiple disabilities, it may be necessary at the operational level to involve a number of institutes dealing with the respective disability groups, especially, in terms of practical training and internship.

6.Diploma in Hearing, Language and Speech (DHLS)

                               The aim of the program is to train a class of persons and equip them with basic skills for providing speech-language therapy, for conducting programs for early identification of persons with communication disorders, educating members of thecommunity on prevention of communication disorders, conducting basic audio logical testing, and for advising the hearing impaired at village, block and town levels. They will work under the guidance of a fully trained graduate or a postgraduate Speech & Hearing professional. The objectives of the course are to train a class of speech and hearing therapists, who would provide basic clinical services - assessment and management - to persons with communication disorders, carry out basic speech, language and hearing evaluation relevant to management. Educate members of the public on prevention and early identification of persons with communication disabilities. Conduct basic hearing testing advice to the hearing impaired on hearing aids and other management options, and also provide listening training to persons with hearing impairment.


Student Facilities

This Institute has provided various facilities to the student / professionals in relation to their professionalism, academic and other co-curricular activities.


Well-furnished along with best teaching aid facilities has been provided to the students enrolled in various courses in Composite Regional Centre, Srinagar.



A proposal for hostel facility has been submitted to the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, at present the hostel facility is being provided for female students in Government Polytechnic for women, Bemina Srinagar.


Institute is having big play ground for outdoor games and also indoor games available in the campus.


Text Box: Psychology Laboratory Text Box: Physiology Laboratory The institute is providing the practical facility to the students as per their course curriculum is concerned. A Physiology, Anatomy and Psychology lab has been upgraded with new equipments and tests.
Text Box: Computer LaboratoryText Box: Anatomy Laboratory

Research & Development

Department of Rehabilitation Psychology conducted research studies with the help of Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology (PGDRP) students as a part of their syllabus


Composite Regional Centre, Srinagar has upgraded the library with new books, references and other related teaching learning materials available for the professionals, faculty and students. The library has internet facility available during office hours for faculty and students. A seating arrangement is also available inside the library for reading the ready references.


The scholarship facilities are available for students admitted in various professional courses through various schemes available in the Ministry of HRD and Ministry of Social Justice &Empowerment, Government of India.


Clinical Services


Department of Physiotherapy 

World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified Physiotherapy as an Independent Practice and out of Paramedical Stream.Physiotherapyinvolves assessment,planning and implementation of rehabilitative programmes that improve or restore human motor functions, maximize movement,ability, relieve pain syndromes and treat or prevent physical challenges associated with injuries, diseases and other impairments.Physiotherapists apply a broad range of physical therapies and techniques such as movement, ultrasound,heating,laser and other techniques.They may develop and implement programmes for screening and prevention of common physical ailments and disorders.Physiotherapists have been trained in the use of exercise therapy to strengthen muscles and improve function.Physiotherapy exercises have been scientifically proven to be one of the most effective ways that can solve or prevent pain and injury. Gross Motor skills,functional mobility in the management for the motor deficits positioning,sitting,transition from sitting to standing,walking with or without assistive devices or orthosis,wheelchair use and transfers are all areas that the physiotherapist works on using wide range of physiotherapeutic approaches to influence functional ability of the patient.To achieve patients potential for physical independence and fitness levels within their community by minimizing the effect of their physical impairments and to improve the quality of life of the child and their family who have major role to play in the progress.Composite Regional Centre,provides rehabilitative services to Patients with special needs (Locomotor Disability/Developmental Disorders/Developmental Delay/Spinal Cord Injury/Head Injury/PPRP/Stroke/Peripheral Neuropathies etc).
The goal is to minimize impairment/disability and handicap in a patient so that he/she is as independent as possible and does not rely on others for his/her activities.Apart from catering rehabilitative services to neurological cases, it also provides treatment programmes to Orthopaedics,Medical  and Surgical Conditions like Fractures,Osteoarthritis,Rheumatoid arthritis,PeriarthriticShoulder,Low back Ache, Cervical spondylosis,Lumbar spondylosis,Arthroplasty cases,Spinal surgery cases.
Treatment approach is non pharmacological and base on Electrotherapy and Exercise Therapy and goal is to improve joint range of motion ,muscle range of motion,muscle strength and endurance so that overall function of the patient is improved and so are his transfers and mobility. The treatment is planned as per patient’s condition and stage.In electrotherapy use of a wide range of modalities is practiced namely Electric Neural and muscular stimulation,TENS,IFT,LASER,Cervical and Lumbar Traction,Ultrasound,Microwave,Short Wave Diathermy,Long Wave Diathermy etc.Exercise therapy involves use of variety of exercises like passive,active assisted,active,resisted and free exercises,Manual mobilization techniques are also driven to mobilize soft and bony tissues.Exercise Therapy equipments are also available in the department namely Shoulder wheel,Finger ladder,rowing machine,over head pulley,suspension therapy apparatus,Continuous passive motion exerciser for upper limb and lower limb.

Department of Prosthetic & Orthotics

Prosthetic & Orthotic department is one of the important allied health team, which promotes the health and rehabilitation of patients. In order to achieve the best outcome of rehabilitation, focus on patients as per the individual needs such as their occupation, living style and independence of Activities of Daily Living, Department is taking measurements, designs, fabricates and fitment of Prosthetic and Orthotic devices like Below knee prosthesis, Above knee prosthesis, Below & Above Elbow prosthesis, Callipers, Hand splints and spinal braces etc. The P/O Department at CRC is fully equipped with latest machineries and tools like suction machine, Router with dust collector, Prosthetic/Orthotic oven, Hand drill, Hot air gun & Fig saw.

Department of Occupational Therapy

It is the application of purposeful and goal oriented activity through latest techniques. The evaluation, diagnoses& treatment of persons whose functions are impaired by injury, emotional disorder, congenital or developmental disability or the aging process in order to achieve optimum function to present & maintain health.
  • To develop awareness of normal movement pattern & impure voluntary, automatic movement responses
  • To develop strength & endurance in pattern of movement that are acceptable & necessary & don’t produce deformity
  • Develop specific power of research muscles or muscle group.
  • To add in overcoming ROM deficit
  • To develop strength of muscles that will power hand splints, mobile arm support & other devices.
  • To present or eliminate contractures developing as result of un-balances muscle power by strengthening the antagonist muscles.
  • To develop work tolerance & physical endurance
  • To facilitate the development of performance components of the patient
  • The performance components are:-Neuro-muscular development, Sensory integrative development, Social development, Cognitive development
  • To enhance independent skills of patient like:-Self care activities, Home school (school, work activities) Play pleasure activities.

Department of Rehabilitation Psychology

Rehabilitation psychology is a specialty area within psychology that focuses in the study and application of psychological knowledge and skills on behalf of individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions in order to minimize health and welfare, independence and choice, functional abilities and social role. In the department of Rehabilitation Psychology we also provide Home based managements, Comprehension managements, Learning disability managements, Behaviour Modification Therapies, Psychotherapy, Cognitive Therapy, and Family Therapy.

Department of Speech Language and Hearing

Speech Therapy and Audiology is a health care profession dedicated to the identification, alleviation and prevention of speech and hearing disorders in individuals from early infancy to later years of life. Though a Speech therapist/Audiologist   ispart of an integrated health care system in India, they are independentin their work.Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathologists provide a broad range of services to individuals with hearing, speech-language and communication problems like-
Assessment: Clinical and/or instrumental screening, identification, assessment, and diagnosis ofhearing disorders of all ages including paediatrics populationrelated disorders like tinnitus, balance disorders.
  • Screening for speech, language, cognitive communication disorders and other disorders that affect education, health and development or communication.
  • Management of all kinds of speech-language, communication and swallowing disorders
  • Improvement of speech-language proficiency, communication effectiveness.
  • Counselling to affected individuals, their family members, and other persons regarding enhancing communication.

Department Of Special Education

In addition to B.E.D. special education program and CRC is also running special school for children with disabilities where the students of this institution are providing the practical part for their completion of thesyllabus.
Services provided in the Department include
  • Assessment
  • Basic Braille learning (English,Hindi)
  • Mathematics (TaylorFrame)
  • Mobility and orientationtraining
  • DisabilityCertificate
  • Computereducation
  • Guidance &Counselling

Special education means specially designed instruction to ensure a free and appropriate education for students regardless of the extent or type of their disability. The Department of Special Education prepares special education teacher candidates and general education teacher candidates to work with students with disabilities in the areas of mild/moderate disabilities, severe disabilities, early childhood special education, vision impairments, and students who are deaf & hard of hearing. At the graduate level, the Department of Special Education prepares tomorrow's leaders in the field at both the master's and doctoral degree levels.
The preparation of teachers and leadership personnel includes adaptation of curriculum, accommodation to meet student needs, collaboration with schools and the community, assessment of student abilities, behavioral interventions, special education policy, and legal issues.


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Last updated on 18 Jun 2021

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