Department of Occupational Therapy Publications (2014-15)
- Stroke-related motor outcome measures: Do they quantify the neurophysiological aspects of upper extremity recovery? Shanta Pandian & Kamal Narayan Arya. Accepted for publication in Journal of Body work & Movement therapy (Elsevier): 2014 Jul;18(3):412-23
- Does the Motor Level of the Paretic Extremities Affect Balance In Poststroke Subjects? Kamal Narayan Arya, Shanta Pandian, C.R. Abhilasha & Ashutosh Verma. Rehabilitation Research and Practice Volume 2014, Article ID 767859
- Atypical Motor Behavior in a Poststroke Subject with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum: A Case Report. Shanta Pandian & Kamal Narayan Arya. Annals of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine (Elsevier): April 2014 (57) 200-209.
Department of Physiotherapy Publications (2014-15)
- Effectiveness of Gaze Stability Exercises on Balance In Healthy Elderly Population. Vaishali Bhardwaj, Manju Vats. Int J Physiother Res 2014, Vol 2(4):642-47.
Department of Occupational Therapy
Presentations (2014-15)
- Development, Validity and Reliability of the ‘Sitting Balance Measure’ SBM in Spinal Cord Injury. Gunjan Wadhwa. Presented in 14th SCS Conference (International Spine and Spinal Injuries Conference 2014), 7th-9th November 2014, at Gujarat, India. The author of the study, Gunjan Wadhwa, has been awarded Gold Medal award 2nd prize for this paper presentation.