Saturday 15 February 2025  IST
Scholarship Scheme

Department of the welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minority, Ministry of social Justice and empowerment, GOl have taken over implementation of centrally sponsored Scholarship Schemes which include:

  1. Post Metric Scholarship for SC Students
  2. Post Metric Scholarship for OBC students
  1. Pre- Metric Scholarship Schemes for students belonging to SC category studying in class 9th and 10th
  2. Schemes for Pre- Metric Scholarship to other backward classes for studies in India
  1. Merit based Scholarship Schemes
Further, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs provides Scholarship to ST students under "National Fellowship & Scholarship for Higher Education of ST students” scheme and Ministry of Minorities Affairs provides Scholarship for Minority students under following Schemes:
  1. Pre- Metric Scholarship Scheme for Minorities
  2. Post- Metric Scholarship Scheme for Minorities
  3. Merit cum Means Scholarship for Professional and technical courses.
Students belonging to other states can also apply for the Scholarships provided by their respective states through E- district portal of the Delhi government and through National Scholarship Portal for all other States.

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Last updated on 18 Jun 2021

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